About Jomeeo
Creating traditionally drawn fan art with the occasional digital or original piece sprinkled in, Jomeeo is growing his audience while further developing his skills.
At the early age of 4, Jomeeo saw a spectacular looking character on TV and was so inspired, he picked up a pencil to draw this bright and lively character. What resulted was what you would expect a 4 year old's drawing of Spider-Man too look like. Originally born in Lahore, Pakistan, Jomeeo's grandfather was a paint mixer in a shop & his uncle painted large oil paintings of Islamic calligraphy which were inspiring him from a young age.
He moved to London with his mother at the age of 6 and grew up drawing as well as falling further in love with art and all the forms of entertainment that inspired his art. The trinity of inspiration were Marvel Comics, Wrestling & Yu-Gi-Oh.
Deciding in 2017 to pursue the journey of becoming a full-time freelance artist, he started to lay the foundations of making this goal a reality one day. At the time, he was working at a Telecoms company where his contract came to an end on the September 29th. Having only known art all his life, he put his head down and focused on the Inktober challenge which began 2 days later on October 1st. Using what he learnt about art and himself during that challenge, he found the confidence in himself to know that one day the dream of being a full-time artist will become a reality.
Having joined another company a few months later to pay the bills, Jomeeo eventually left his 9-5 job in 2021 to become a full time artist